Saturday, January 08, 2005

2004, the Year in Books

All in all I've finished twenty-seven books this year (if you count the books I read twice - which I do). Here they are in the (approximate) order in which I read them:

1. Waking the Dead, John Eldredge
2. Telling the Truth, the Gospel as Tragedy, Comedy and Fairy Tale, Frederick Buechner
3. To Kill a Mockingbird, Lee Harper
4. The Hawk and the Dove
5. Addicted to Mediocrity, Franky Schaeffer
6. The Storm, Frederick Buechner
7. The Violent Bear It Away, Flannery O'Connor
8. The Ragamuffin Gospel
9. The Pilgrim's Regress, C. S. Lewis
10. Telling the Truth, the Gospel as Tragedy, Comedy and Fairy Tale
11. Not a Tame Lion
12. The Rock Cries Out
13. The Four Loves, C. S. Lewis
14. Brendan
15. What’s So Amazing About Grace?
16. Peace Like A River
17. Wishful Thinking, A Theological ABC
18. Something Wicked This Way Comes
19. Perelandra
20. Speak What We Feel (Not What We Ought to Say)
21. On the Road with the Archangel
22. Godric
23. The Wizard’s Tide
24. The Storm
25. Peace Like A River
26. Soul Survivor
27. The Alphabet of Grace

Have you read any of these? Do you love or hate any books on this list? Do you see any here you'd like to discuss? If so, comment! I'll try to put more content on the post later so keep checking back.


Eucharisto said...

I've read 7 out of the 22 you listed (3 of them you listed twice, which I take to mean you read them twice!), and partially read 7. I still have those seven to finish and 8 to read. (partially the books I've read, I credit to trading off books with you!). Seems I've got my work cut out for me!
By the way, I see you had a run for Buechner books lately. Which is the best?

Tuesday's Child said...

Your brain must be feeling rich about now! Quiet amazing good sir. Which were the absolute best that we have to read before we die? Also, with Joel, how do you like F.B. after reading so many of his, and which is the best?

opinionated said...

I read Pilgrim's Regress a long time ago. I was concerned that it might fall into the hands of someone who did not think it was satire, and take it as authentic spiritual guidance.

Andrew Price said...

Hello Jean, And welcome to Foolish Knight! Interesting statements, but I’m not quite sure that I know what you mean. Are you saying that you think C. S. Lewis was trying to show the foolishness of the philosophies that were “in vogue” at the time though characters like “Mr. Humanist” and “the Clevers” or are you saying that Lewis was poking fun at Christianity itself? Anyway I was just wondering and hope you enjoy the rest of the site!

Andrew Price said...

To Joel and Tuesday Jr, yes Frederick Buechner has cemented himself as one of my favorite writers, and Godric is probably my favorite of his fiction, or maybe it’s Brendan, or maybe it’s The Storm, or maybe it’s The Wizard’s Tide or maybe it’s...

opinionated said...

I understood what Lewis was trying to do in Pilgrim's Regress, but my concern was that others might not.