Dear God,
Thank you for meeting me yesterday. I expressed my discouragement to you very clearly writing to you yesterday. Thank you for the beautiful passage of Scripture I read yesterday and for the host of thousands upon thousands of angel we have come to. For the joy of being at the foot of Mt. Zion.
Thank you for sending those little ones to hug me yesterday. Thank you that Callie baked me cookies. And for the delicious soup I got to eat because the other soup ran out.
Thank you for the great time of writing I got to have yesterday while monitoring babies. Thank you that I get to make these Kid’s Club videos and that I get to do what I love.
Thank you so much for my beautiful, encouraging, fun conversation with the Queen, yesterday. Thank you for the joy of getting to experience her.
Thank you so much for college group yesterday, God! God, I’ve never experience a college group like that before, there was so much singing and laughter and joy. It was very much a gift from you.
Thank you for my friends Josh and Erin and their willingness to stay behind last night and help with filming.
God, yesterday was such a mountaintop experience; as I come down from the mountain, Father, it’s my prayer that I would thank you, not only when things are obviously well, but also when there are a few more doubts in my mind and when things are a bit more muddled and confusing and discouraging. Please keep a song of your love on my lips throughout.
In Jesus’ name I pray,
All I can say is you have inspired my heart to surrender all to the Lord today. Thank you for writing in such humility...
Cool! It's funny to think that I could inspire you by simply being a human talking with God. Yay, God, is what I say. I love His designs for human interaction.
Thanks for reading, Jo!
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