I'm accepting late votes, and I probably won't even tally the ones I get till spring anyway. I know, I do this every year. My most humble apologies go to Brewster, who always gets his lists in good time and puts great stuff on his lists that never gets voted for. (I have a feeling this year will be different, Brewster! Hang in there ol' boy!)
Okay, you may now resume your normal lives and watch Bill Murray movies. (Oh, and I'm going to assume you mean the first installment of a trilogy if you enter the whole trilogy as one big movie, just so you know.)
Okay... I conceed that Ground Hog Day was not in fact an awful movie. I really didn't want to watch anyone relive one day repeatedly but it was pretty insteresting. So thanks for inviting me. Maybe this means I should stick it out with Watership Down too. ;-)
Groundhog day is in fact, a brilliantly funny movie, but I won't hold your opinion against you.
No worries, foolish. I know I tend to hit the more obscurish flicks with these things so it's not big deal to not get counted. I'm just glad I'm here on the ground floor so when Foolish Knight Enterprises goes world wide, I can say I was there first.
this is david. i got a blog. there's not much on it yet. that's all.
Cool blogger ID, though.
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