Thursday, May 04, 2006

A task for my intelligent readers (that would be all of you)

I'm working on a post for my new darling: Communication Matters, but I need your help. The essay I'm working on will (God-willing) explore the concept of "Christian" Music, but I think that before I go off and form my definition I should do some shopping and see what good ones are out there. This will give me idea of what normal, sane people (i.e. people not like me) think on this matter. This is, of course, where you come in: While I would hesitate to call any of my readers "normal", you are pretty much all sane, and I think it would be helpful to me if you would give me an idea of what you believe "Christian" Music is. For example: How do you discern whether or not a song (or movie, or book for that matter) is "Christian" or "Non-Christian"? What trials must it go through? Is it the artist responsible? The content? The market it was released to?

These are just some questions to keep in mind. I can't wait to hear your responses.


Unknown said...
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Andrew Price said...

Just a few sentences would do...

Eucharisto said...

I really want to post something. I'm in TX in the middle of a bookfair weekend, but as soon as I get back home (monday, the 14th) I'll put my thoughts up.