Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Held My Breath (Grateful Tuesdays #28)

For her hand it mine, mysterious, frightening, understanding, assuring. Love-bringing. True.

For waking with a smile, a sense of adventure.

For these tears.

For my companion; always leaving, always coming. I'm always lonely, always befriended. In, out. In, out. We move together. Except for when I forget how to see you, that you're there at all or that you even want to be seen.

Your thunder ravishes my being!

I ache for more!

To decide to live your needy life is to make myself very dependent on you. I'm embracing emptiness, on the off chance that you'll see fit to fill me.

For this sweater.

For a darkened room. For a teddy bear, and a blanket.

For all these images! The tiny digital squares yield and cry out. The shape of water, stone, of a woman's body cannot help but point to you.

For these new friends! First steps into a larger world...

For old friends, the hands you long ago flung around me.

For that envelope.

For getting to hold this crayon, your hand holding mine. For worlds! people! movements! that did not before exist! All these friends and echos of you surrounding me and coming from my hand.

Hold me so close. Come in so deep. I love you.
